How To Select A Good Quality Blind For Your Child’s Room
Window blinds aren’t just the finishing touch in a room, they’re one of the main ingredients. When we begin the design of a room, we take a step back and view the room as a whole, as well as what it will take to achieve a cohesive vision. Blinds play an important role in putting a room together. They have a stylish, clean-looking custom fit as well as a great deal of privacy. But finding the right blinds for your needs isn’t always an easy task, particularly with so many styles to choose from. They should be both decorative and practical since windows are such a focal point in a home. It’s even more legitimate for the room of your children. Not only you’d need to consider many personal aspects before going blind shopping, but you should also know about different types of blinds and their specs properly. Here we’ve listed some of those preconditions and features for you.
✓ Things to Consider
Since kids are sensitive to various elements and changes, you must evaluate your options aptly ahead of making new additions to their rooms. Here are some of those affairs that you might want to scrutinize afore your purchase.
The most obvious reason you want to use the blinds is light. So, pay special attention to how much light your kids want in their rooms with the blinds closed and if it’s a big enough concern. Some kids can’t sleep properly due to sunlight in the morning and some sleep better with their rooms lit. Some rooms don’t heat up properly without enough sunlight, some do excessively. Do a detailed analysis of all these factors beforehand.
If your kid is worried about his/her privacy, so should you be. Many parents think that kids should always be around the corners of their eyes and they need no privacy at that age. This cannot be any farther from the truth. Your kid requires privacy from his/her family members and the outsiders as much as anyone. So, choose a blind according to their privacy demands.
If you’ve used blinds before, you know how dangerous they can be for kids. If the lifting loop falls off the side of the blind and a child’s neck becomes entangled in the free-standing loop, or if a child places his or her neck between the lifting loop and the roll-up blind material, strangulation may occur. However, it’s not just exposed cords that are dangerous. Internal and rear cords may also be a significant threat. According to a PfWBS report, a child is strangled by a window covering a cord every two weeks. So, take extra precautions in that region.
A much less serious but essential point nonetheless. If your blind doesn’t match the design of your kid’s room, your good night of sleep may go out of the window! Make your mind if you want formal, casual, comfortable, chic, dramatic, neutral, or fun designs, etc.
On a similar note, the size of your blind should be suitable for the room. For instance, a longer blind has a more formal and less practical appearance. So, before settling on a length, think about how much you’ll be opening and closing them. Also, if your child is playing in the room, floor-length blinds could get in the way which may lead to unwanted consequences. As a result, it’s important to pay close attention to the measurements.
Blinds are absolute dust magnets and if you don’t clean them fairly on a regular basis, they can prove to be a massive bother. Some blinds are easier to clean while some are more rigid. So, if you’re not big on cleaning them frequently, you should consider this factor while choosing the product.
Self-evident, right? Sizes, shapes, customizability, fabrics, patterns, designs, prints, and features contribute to the variable cost of the blinds. Make sure you have the one that fits your priorities right without hurting your finances.
✓ Types of Blinds
Wooden Venetian Blinds
Wooden Venetian blinds are the best for preserving privacy. There are no holes in the slats for the cord to pass through, and the slats are closed tighter to minimize the amount of light entering the room. The gaps between the slats and the holes where the cord runs through would allow light to pass through.
Vertical Blinds
Vertical blinds parts hang from a track and slide to the side when open, making them ideal for floor-to-ceiling windows. If you need to shut out as much light as possible, these blinds aren’t the perfect option, but if you pick a blackout fabric, they’ll do a great job. Any light can pass through the holes between the fabric strips and the rail and the fabric, but some of them are now made of anti-glare fabric to help minimize and control glare.
Roman Blinds
Roman blinds have a formal and warm appearance. They’re made of cloth and work on a pulley system. The blind concertinas into big horizontal pleats when lifted, revealing a good portion of the fabric. They’re a great way to shut out the light; just make sure you get them with blackout linings. These blinds can be made from scratch, bought ready-made, or custom-made. Linings are available in a variety of colors and patterns.
Roller Blinds
If you want your child’s room to be as dark as possible, this form of the blind will be ideal. It’s a unique blind with a cassette to cover the roller and side channels on both sides to block out as much light as possible. Roller blinds have a cord that allows them to be rolled up or down. They can have different fabrics on each side to add appeal when they’re available. They’re also quite inexpensive. These can also be used to monitor light and reduce glare on TVs and other devices which can be crucial for your children.
Your child notices the little things in his/her room more than you can imagine and they contribute to his/her psychological upbringing as much as anything. So, take special care while choosing blinds for their rooms instead of rushing to your nearby store and picking one on instinct. Here at Shades of Dublin, our experts provide you with the perfect blinds for your kid and answer all your queries regarding them. Give us a call, or visit our website or physical store for any help and we’d be delighted to be at your service.
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